CODESYS Store - CODESYS Store have many free application examples and libraries.
Docker - Docker creates simple tooling and a universal packaging approach that bundles up all application dependencies inside a container which is then run on Docker Engine. Docker Engine enables containerized applications to run anywhere consistently on any infrastructure.
BACnet - “Building Automation and Control Networks” (BACnet) is a data transfer protocol for building automation and control. BACnet simplifies communication between products from different manufacturers within building automation.
DALI - Lighting control with DALI – The “Digital Addressable Lighting Interface” (DALI) is a communication protocol for building lighting applications and is used for communication between lighting control devices, such as electronic ballasts, brightness sensors or motion detectors.
KNX - KNX is a uniform, manufacturer-independent communication protocol for intelligently networking state-of-the-art home and building system technologies. KNX is used to plan and control energy-efficient solutions for more functionality and convenience while simultaneously reducing energy costs.
LonWorks - LonWorks® is an open and interoperable system for building automation and is characterized by its flexible topology and cross-system functions.
M-Bus - The M-Bus system, based on a master/slave communication model, can be operated as a line, star or tree topology. The master powers the serial bus and processes the data of the M-Bus slaves (measurement devices).
ModBus - The MODBUS protocol is a communication protocol based on master/slave or client/server architecture. The primary purpose of the protocol is facilitating reliable, fast communication between automation and field devices.